Shahi Samose

Shahi Samose


  •  Fine flour - 250 gms.
  • Oil
  • Sugar - 1/2 cup
  • Sesame seed - 1 cup
  • Almond - 12
  • Coconut - 1 cup
  • Dry dates - 10
How to prepare:
  1. Firstly,add little oil and salt to the fine flour and make its dough(tight).
  2. Cover it and keep it for 10 mins.
  3. Now grind all the dry fruits and sugar to form a powder.
  4. Apply little oil on palms and take some dough, make chappati.
  5. Now cut the chappati from center through knife.
  6. Take the half chappati and give it the shape of a triangle with your hands.
  7. Then fill the mixture in it and give it the shape of samosa.
  8. The same way prepare all the samosas and place aside.
  9. Now fry them at low flame.
                   Your shahi samose are ready,serve them....
